R&D Test Center

We have an advanced Research & Development Test Centre, specially designed for product developers
Looking for a specific recipe? Want to innovate an existing product or develop a new product to capitalize on consumer trends? At VS Apple Industries, we are proud of our state-of-the-art Research & Development (R&D) Test Center, designed specifically for product developers who strive for innovation and excellence.

VS Apple Industries B.V.: your partner in innovation

Our R&D Test Center is distinguished by our extensive knowledge, years of experience and state-of-the art facilities. Our specialists are constantly committed to innovation in product and quality. Our test center provides the expertise and resources to simulate your entire manufacturing process. This allows us to extensively test the newly developed product on various variables. Thus creativity and science meet and a unique recipe is created that meets the highest quality standards and requirements of the market.
Research & Development Test Centre VS Apple

Developing recipes?

Looking for specific recipes tailored to your operations? Discover the recipe of your success formula, welcome to our R&D Test Center and contact us directly.
Hugo de Vente

Hugo de Vente

Sales Manager