Apple Fries

Apple fries are a delicious addition to any salad and any baking and dairy product. The long, thinly sliced strips of fresh apple are healthy as well as tasty. Apple fries are rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. The product can be supplied without auxiliaries and flavorings to meet the demand of the modern, conscious […]

Whole apples/Apple dumplings

apple processing

With over thirty years of experience in the field of apple processing, VS Apple Industries guarantees the highest quality of apple products. Our advanced production lines and our own conditioned transport provide your traditional pastries, dairy or salads with just that extra bite, and we deliver our products mostly within twenty-four hours. We supply our whole apples […]

Diced apple

VS Apple Industries always strives to ensure the highest quality for her apple products. We guarantee a very short lead time at all times. Our diced apples are distinguished in their taste and freshness and because of that are a valuable addition to your pastry or dairy. Diced apples are available in fine, medium and […]

Apple slices

With the apple slices of VS Apple Industries apple fritters or other bakery products are a delicacy all year round. These apple rings or slices are a tasty ingredient to everything you want to bake. Specifications apple slices For apple slices or rings, the apples are sliced into several pieces. The sliced have a fixed […]

Apple wedges

Whether you are baking granny’s apple pie or traditional pastry, apple wedges are the ultimate filling, topping or decoration. Also in the dairy industry, the apple wedges of VS Apple industries taste like more! Specifications apple wedges Usually, the whole apple is peeled and cut into 16 pieces. However, VS Apple Industries can also supply […]